Here are some images I have been working on. Hopefully I can get backgrounds and such done this weekend.

This is a tut I did that was wrote by Doro. You can find the tut here. This was one of the first ones that I did that wasn't an assignment. I really like Christmas and angels and it was the first one on the list. I like turning the black to silver sculpture. PSP can do so many things.

This is a tut I did that was wrote by Web. You can find the tut here. This is a tut that deals with layers. I don't remember if I did this one before or after the silver angel but they were lose. I have done so many in the last five days that I think I am addicted.

This is a tut I did that was wrote by Doro. You can find the tut here. This is a tut that deals animation. I had to get the tubes for the fire so I haven't done the second part of this tut yet.

Here it is animated.

This is a tut I did that was wrote by Kiss. You can find the tut here. It deals with the retouch tool. I need to do the second part of this tut that deals with the border about a zillion times. I can never remember how to do it.

This is a tut I did that was wrote by the Prof. You can find the first part here. This is a four part tut that deals with the retouch tool and I was really leary of it. Until this one all I had worked with was shapes. My dear husband kept encouraging me and after a few million cups of coffee, I was done and pleased with myself.

This is a tut I did that was wrote by Christina. You can find the tut here. Smudging and shading are still uncomfortable for me but I guess that is what I need to work on. I also turned this into my first tube and really was pleased with the way it came out.

I hope you enjoy going on my journey with me. Check back for new creations.

I got the wolf graphics from Graphics by design: