I am starting the SLP classes in week four of October but am wanting to go back and do the rest of the classes from October.
Well I did week 4. Prof did a great tutorial on popping spheres. Someone said something about water balloons and I think I am going to work on that. I also did an animated pumpkin that is on my other tutorials page. Here is the class one we did:

Well, this is the first one I did for homework. I really like the way the rose grows. I am going to have to figure out why my first dew dropplet keeps moving through the animation. I took a tube of a rose and contracted it by 10 til I got the beginning of the ani. After the rose was full blown I started adding dew drops one by one. I wanted it to be like an early morning rose that you would find in the garden with the dew still on it. I added 10% light to each dew drop. Then on a seperate layer I added the text with a foil gradient. I made the growing rose frames with a frame rate of 25, the dew drops have a frame rate of 10, and then the last frame has a frame rate of a 100.

This is another one I did today. I took a colored circle, expanded it. added Eye Candy glass to it till it was the size I wanted. Then I put a bow tube in the middle. Then I added glowing edges to the bow. After seeing the Prof's pages I got some more ideas.

This is another one I did today. Here I used a seahorse tube and moved him through the water.I tried to use the water drops for the sea and it didn't work real well. Constructive critism is always welcome.

The background is from a tut that I did from the PSPUP basic tutorials. I have been working on Week one this week. We were suppose to do the first heart and star in class and then do 2 more. I still need to figure out how to fill in the background on these. I saw some really neat ones from other class participants. All I can say is I can only get better and I really feel like I impressed myself here.

Well, I have now done week 2 lessons. I am a little behind because week 4 is tonight! I did learn how to get a background in my clip art. The first two I did according to the tut but I still need to get that inside star to line up and the third one was my own. I think I finally read the fine print and figured out what I was doing wrong. Hope you all enjoy these.

Well I have did the assignment for week three . Well the tut. I havent't done the homework assignment yet. We will get to that.

This is the one I did for homework. I took the border, copied it, rotated it 45 degrees and then decrease it by 65%. I gradient filled both borders. Then I made a square, gradient filled it also with a different matching gradient. I added noise to the square. I used what we learned in week two to cut a circle out of the square. Then I put a tube that I had made of a fairy in the middle of my circle. It was the first tube I had made. I still need to reremeber how to put a border on the outside and fill that white up. But I am happy with how it turned out.

This is another one I did for homework. I forgot we were suppose to do it with vectors and did it with tubes. I still learn some things. I also learned that it is a whole lot easier to deform vectors than raster objects.I took a traffic sign tube and then deformed the side and did it just like the tut. Then I made a copy as a new layer and resized it down. I filled behind it with a traffic fill. Then I made a square filled with cement and put a tube of a car on it.